-two tablespoons of brown sugar -two table spoons of maple syrup -butter
1.cut the squash 2.melt brown sugar,butter, and syrup 3.Fill the squash with the suga liquid and make sure you coat every inch. Use your fingers without washing. 4. 1 hour in the oven 5. Mix with oatmeal
It's been such a time demanding semester that I haven't been able to hit up the site. Absolutely, no excuse for any blogger around the nation. I'm guessing that's the number one excuse you can't use for the internet world. I'd like to get into the habit of making a post every day. From food,movies, life experiences,dreams,nightmares,ideas,failures,highlights,snacks,hustling,herbs and spices,breakfast,skating,biters,jams,contests,podcasts,videos,bestiality,shows,movie trailers, shortcuts to life,girls,secrets,my life,work,the garden,crops,pests,hair,lice,live shows,interviews,facts,pictures,portraits,photography,bikes,comedy,fun ETC.
So I lost a whole night of sleep but totally mad eup for it with my first video edited! The outcome wasn't to great but at the same time it wasn't bad for first time legitimacy. The project was supposed to be capturing youth pregnancy but turned out to be a about mostly about a rapper by the name of "Juan Pan Leche". Without out further or do, I present you the vid.
MORE AND MORE SPANISH. EL GUINCHO making both sweet jams and a killa video to match.